I am
A web developer who loves to learn and code
I'm a developer with a background in engineering who has been learning web development since 2019. My insatiable curiosity pushes me to continuously improve my skills and understanding. Currently I am pursuing industry experience as a frontend developer, but eventually I would like transfer to a backend or software developer. With my current experience I am confident that I will be a valuable addition to any development team. Thank you for your time.
Tribuy Ecommerce
Search, buy, and review products. Sign-up and sign-in to leave a review for a purchased product. API routes are protected and authentication persists. Query parameter state is stored in the URL. Uses a PostgreSQL database with 5 tables to update and insert data. Mobile friendly.
Movie Cloud
Watch, favorite, and search movies. Register and login, or use oAuth. Sessions use jwt for user authorization. User will remain logged in after leaving the site. Uses MongoDB database to insert, delete, and query data. Backend has protected API routes. Mobile first responsive design.
A* Pathfinder
Draw a maze or generate a random one. Select the A* pathfinding algorithm. Drag and drop the start and end nodes. Start the path algorithm and enjoy the pathfinding visualization. Reset the path or grid walls. Mobile friendly and uses device resolution to generate a dynamic grid.